Einstein Pros Plumbing Heating and Cooling Resources

Category: HVAC Installations

an AC installation from Einstein Pros

What Is an Average AC Installation Cost?

As summer approaches, the last thing that anyone wants to deal with is a broken air conditioner. Whatever the reason may be for the breakdown, a malfunctioning AC unit can be inconvenient for your day-to-day activities, and your wallet. On average, it can cost between $3,800 and $7,583, but what factors contribute to the cost of installing a new air

How To Find a Reliable HVAC Contractor

How To Find A Reliable HVAC Contractor

HVAC systems are a vital part of home comfort. Having an effective heating and cooling unit that does not consume a great amount of energy is just as relieving as going out on a vacation. That being said, installation, repair, and replacement of HVAC systems need to be carefully and meticulously done to gain the most out of your investment. That is why finding a contractor that can satisfy your HVAC needs is very important.

Three Alternative Heating and Cooling Systems

3 Alternative Heating and Cooling Systems

Brands in the HVAC industry are getting more and more competitive by the year. This means there are constant development and redevelopment of products going on behind the scenes. While the traditional set of HVAC units are not falling behind in terms of effectiveness, there are alternative HVAC options that might pique your interest.

HVAC System

What to Look for in an HVAC System

At some point you lived in a house or apartment with poor HVAC System. Controlling the temperature was next to impossible. Maybe it was the rundown apartment in college that was like a sauna in the summer and an ice box in the winter. No matter how hard you tried, you could never regulate the temperature to a comfortable level.

professional plumber

Why You Should Hire a Professional Plumber

Professional Plumber. Residential plumbing issues are a dime a dozen. Everything from minor inconveniences like clogged toilets to drastic problems like a broken water heater present challenges for homeowners. If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ve probably acquired the knowledge necessary to handle most plumbing problems on your own. With that being said, sooner or later you’re bound

common air conditioning problems

5 Most Common Air Conditioning Problems

Here are the five most common air conditioning problems that homeowners usually experience during hot summer months. Even if your AC unit is newer and you have it serviced regularly, there are still some problems that can occur. Generally speaking even in plumbing or water heaters, most issues are associated with the quality of installation, service, or an overall lack

how to fix furnace problems caused by a thermostat

How to Fix Furnace Problems Caused by Thermostat

How to Fix Furnace Problems when it occurs with your own furnace? If your furnace is not working correctly — and you’ve ruled out the usual suspects: broken hoses, dirty furnace filters, etc. — your thermostat could be to blame. Sometimes, aging or faulty wiring, dust accumulation, drastic temperature changes, and other issues can cause your thermostat to malfunction, making

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