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Toilet Keeps Clogging? 15 Quick Fixes for Seattle

Toilet Keeps Clogging

The constant hassle of dealing with a backed-up toilet can be inconvenient and a source of stress for homeowners. If you repeatedly face the unpleasant task of plunging your toilet, it’s time to explore the root causes of why your toilet keeps clogging. In this blog post, we will delve into various factors that can contribute to a toilet constantly clogging and explore effective solutions to address each one.

Common Factors Leading to Clogged Toilets

1. Inadequate Flushing Power

A weak flush is a common culprit when it comes to toilets repeatedly clogging. If your toilet needs more flushing power, it may struggle to move waste efficiently through the drain pipes, leading to clogs.

Low Water Level

  • Ensure that the water level in the toilet tank is at the recommended height.
  • Adjust the float valve to control the water level in the tank.
  • Check for any leaks in the tank that might be causing water loss.

Clogged Rim Jets

  • Inspect the rim jets around the bowl for mineral deposits or debris.
  • Clean the rim jets using a wire hanger or a small brush to restore proper water flow during flushing.

2. Blocked Trap or Drain Pipe

The trap, the curved section of the toilet drainpipe, is designed to prevent sewer gases from entering your home. However, it can become a frequent site for clogs if not maintained properly.

Using a Plunger

  • Employ a standard plunger to create a seal and apply pressure to dislodge the clog.
  • Use a gentle yet forceful pumping motion to break up the obstruction.

Auger or Snake

  • If a plunger doesn’t resolve the issue, use a toilet auger or snake to reach deeper into the drainpipe and break up the clog.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid causing damage to the toilet.

3. Flushing Inappropriate Items

Toilets are designed to handle human waste and toilet paper. Flushing items beyond this scope can lead to frequent clogs.

Educate Household Members

  • Clearly communicate to everyone in the household about what can and cannot be flushed.
  • Provide a waste bin in the bathroom for items like facial tissues, cotton swabs, and sanitary products.

Childproof the Toilet

  • Install a toilet lock or use a childproof seat to prevent young children from flushing toys or other non-flushable items.

4. Hard Water Deposits

Mineral deposits from hard water can accumulate in the toilet’s passages and trap, restricting the flow and leading to clogs.

Regular Cleaning

  • Use a descaling agent or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to conduct a toilet and drain cleaning
  • Scrub the bowl and jets thoroughly to ensure proper water flow.

Water Softener Installation

  • Consider installing a water softener to reduce the hardness of your water supply and minimize mineral buildup in the toilet.

5. Faulty Toilet Design or Installation

Sometimes, the toilet itself may be the root cause of persistent clogging issues.

Professional Inspection

  • Consult with a professional plumber in Seattle to assess the design and installation of your toilet.
  • Consider upgrading to a more efficient and powerful toilet model if necessary.

6. Sewer Line Issues

If you’ve ruled out internal toilet problems, the issue might lie in the sewer line.

Professional Inspection

  • Hire a professional plumber to conduct a camera inspection of your sewer line to complete a sewer and mainline repair.
  • Address any tree root intrusion, blockages, or other issues in the sewer line promptly.

7. Incorrect Toilet Paper Usage

While toilet paper is designed to break down easily in water, using excessive amounts or certain types can contribute to clogs.

Limit Paper Usage

  • Use toilet paper in moderation and avoid excessive wadding.
  • Opt for toilet paper labeled as septic-safe or easily dissolvable.

8. Old or Worn Out Toilet Parts

Over time, various toilet components can wear out, leading to reduced flushing efficiency and more frequent clogs.

Regular Maintenance

  • Replace worn-out flappers, fill valves, and other toilet components as part of regular maintenance.
  • Ensure that all parts are functioning optimally to prevent clogs.

How to Clear A Clogged Toilet

1. Assess the Severity of the Clog

Identify the Warning Signs

Before diving into the unclogging process, it’s essential to recognize the signs of clogged toilets. Look for slow drainage, gurgling sounds, or water rising to the rim after flushing. These indicators can help you assess the severity of the clog and check for a toilet repair if necessary. 

Gather Necessary Supplies

To successfully resolve a clogged toilet, you’ll need some basic supplies. Collect a plunger, a bucket, rubber gloves, and a plumbing snake or auger if you have one. Having these tools on hand will make the process smoother.

2. Use a Plunger

Create a Seal

Place the plunger over the drain opening, ensuring a tight seal. The rubber cup of the plunger should cover the entire opening to maximize its effectiveness.

Plunge with Force

Apply downward pressure on the plunger handle, then pull up sharply. Repeat this motion several times to create suction and dislodge the clog. Be patient, as it may take a few minutes of consistent plunging to achieve results.

Check for Success

Flush the toilet to see if the water drains properly. If successful, the clog is likely cleared. If not, consider repeating the plunging process or trying an alternative method.

3. Hot Water and Dish Soap

Heat Water

An easy toilet clog remover is boiling a pot of water on the stove. Once the water is hot but not boiling, carefully pour it into the toilet bowl.

Add Dish Soap

Squirt a generous amount of dish soap into the bowl. The combination of hot water and soap can help break down the clog.

Wait and Flush

Allow the hot water and dish soap mixture to sit for a few minutes. Then, flush the toilet to check if the clog has cleared. This method can be particularly effective for breaking down organic materials causing the blockage.

4. Use a Plumbing Snake or Auger

Insert the Snake

If plunging and hot water haven’t resolved the issue, using a plumbing snake or auger may be necessary. Insert the snake into the toilet drain and turn the handle clockwise to break up the clog.

Move the Snake Around

Gently push and pull the snake to maneuver around the bend in the toilet drain. Continue rotating the handle to break it apart and remove the clog.

Flush and Repeat

Flush the toilet to check for successful removal of the clog. If needed, repeat the process until the water drains freely.

5. Chemical Drain Cleaners

Choose a Suitable Cleaner

Another effective toilet clog remover involves using chemical drain cleaners. These can be effective in breaking down clogs. Select a product that is specifically designed for toilets and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. These are proactive ways how to fix the issue of “toilet keeps clogging.”

Pour the Cleaner

Carefully pour the recommended amount of the chemical cleaner into the toilet bowl. Be cautious, as these substances can be harsh.

Allow Time to Work

Let the chemical cleaner sit in the bowl for the recommended duration. This gives it time to dissolve the clog. Follow up by flushing the toilet to check for results.

6. DIY Baking Soda and Vinegar

Pour Baking Soda

Start by pouring a cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl. Distribute it evenly around the water to have an effective toilet clog removal. 

Add Vinegar

Next, pour a cup of vinegar into the bowl. The combination of baking soda and vinegar creates a chemical reaction that can help break down the clog.

Wait and Flush

Allow the mixture to sit for at least 30 minutes. Afterward, flush the toilet to check if the clog has been alleviated. Repeat the process if necessary.

Toilet Keeps Clogging

7. Call a Professional Plumber

Assess the Situation

If all else fails and the clog persists, it may be time to call in a professional plumber from Einstein Pros. They have the expertise and specialized tools to address more complex plumbing issues.

Provide Information

When contacting a plumber in Seattle, provide details about the problem and any steps you’ve taken to unclog the toilet. This information can help them assess the situation more accurately.

Schedule a Visit

Arrange for a plumber to inspect and resolve the clogged toilet. A timely response can prevent further damage and ensure a swift resolution to the problem.

8. Preventive Measures To Avoid Toilet Keeps Clogging

Watch Your Toilet Paper Usage

One of the leading causes of a toilet clog is excessive toilet paper usage. To prevent future issues, encourage household members to use an appropriate amount of toilet paper with each flush. Consider providing a visible reminder or adjusting the toilet paper dispenser to minimize wasteful habits.

Dispose of Non-Flushable Items Properly

Make sure everyone in the household is aware of what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet. Items like paper towels, sanitary products, and disposable wipes can contribute to clogs. Place a small waste bin in the bathroom for these non-flushable items.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Perform periodic maintenance checks on your toilet to catch potential issues early. Inspect for any signs of leaks, unusual sounds, or slow drainage. Addressing minor problems promptly can prevent them from escalating into major clogs.

9. Environmentally Friendly Alternatives

Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper

Consider switching to eco-friendly toilet paper that breaks down more easily. Some traditional toilet papers are thicker and less dissolvable, contributing to clogs. Eco-friendly options are designed to be gentler on plumbing systems.

DIY Enzyme Cleaner

For a natural and environmentally friendly solution, create your enzyme cleaner. Mix citrus peels, brown sugar, and water in a jar, and let it ferment for a few weeks. Use this mixture regularly as a preventive measure to keep your pipes clear.

10. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using Excessive Force

While plunging, it’s crucial not to use excessive force. Applying too much pressure can damage the toilet bowl or cause water to splash out. Plunge gently and steadily, allowing the suction to work effectively.

Ignoring Early Warning Signs

Ignoring early warning signs of a clog can lead to more significant issues down the line. If you notice slow drainage or unusual sounds, address the problem promptly to prevent a complete blockage.

Neglecting Professional Help

If you’re unable to resolve the clog on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Neglecting to involve a plumber when necessary can result in a prolonged plumbing issue and potentially a more expensive toilet repair.

11. The Role of Proper Toilet Installation

Ensure Correct Installation

Improper toilet installation can contribute to a toilet clog. Check for proper toilet installation if you’ve recently installed a new toilet or experienced recurrent clogs. Ensure that the toilet is securely anchored, the wax ring is intact, and there are no leaks around the base.

Address Faulty Components

If you discover any faulty components during your inspection, such as a damaged flapper or a malfunctioning fill valve, replace them promptly. Faulty components can disrupt the flushing mechanism and lead to inadequate water flow, contributing to clogs.

12. Upgrade Your Toilet

Consider Low-Flow Toilets

Low-flow toilets use less water per flush, reducing the likelihood of clogs. Consider upgrading to a low-flow toilet, which not only benefits the environment but also helps prevent excessive water usage and potential blockages.

Dual-Flush Toilets

Dual-flush toilets provide two flushing options: one for liquid waste and another for solid waste. This innovative design allows you to use less water for liquid waste, contributing to a more efficient and clog-resistant system.

13. Seek Community Support and Advice

Online Communities and Forums

If you’re looking for tips for when you search, “my toilet is clogged,” make sure that the resources you use are reliable. Tap into online communities and forums where homeowners share their experiences and advice on resolving toilet clogs. Engaging with these platforms can provide valuable insights, alternative solutions, and a sense of community support.

Local Plumbing Resources

Consult local plumbing resources, such as plumbing supply stores or professional plumbers in your area. They may offer advice on common toilet issues and recommend preventive measures to keep your plumbing system in optimal condition.

14. Educational Resources for Homeowners

Plumbing Maintenance Guides

Educate yourself on plumbing maintenance through reputable guides and resources. Understanding the basics of how your plumbing system works can empower you to take preventive measures and address minor issues before they escalate. Make sure to contact an expert in toilet repair in Seattle if the problem persists. 

DIY Plumbing Courses

Consider enrolling in a DIY plumbing course when you’re searching for answers to “my toilet is clogged,” to gain practical knowledge and skills. Many online platforms offer courses that cover basic plumbing techniques, empowering homeowners to tackle common issues like toilet clogs with confidence.

15. Final Checks and Routine Inspections

Routine Inspections

Incorporate routine inspections into your home maintenance schedule. Regularly check for leaks, unusual sounds, and any signs of wear and tear in your plumbing system. Identifying potential issues early on can prevent major disruptions.

Evaluate Water Pressure

Ensure that your home’s water pressure is within the recommended range. High water pressure can strain plumbing components and contribute to clogs. Consider installing a pressure regulator to maintain an optimal and consistent pressure level.


A toilet that keeps clogging can be a persistent and aggravating issue, but by addressing the root causes and implementing the appropriate solutions, you can restore your toilet to optimal functionality. Remember to stay proactive in maintaining your toilet and seek professional help from Einstein Pros when needed to ensure a smoothly functioning plumbing system in your home.

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