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Professional Plumber for Your Bathroom Remodel

Bathroom Remodel

Why You Need a Professional Plumber for Your Bathroom Remodel

If you’re like millions of Americans that own their home, you take great pride in completing home improvement projects on your own.  When you spend hours doing your own research, watch some YouTube videos and execute a home improvement task of any kind, you not only save money but feel like you have improved the lives of everyone under your roof.  Even though you might consider yourself more skilled at these types of projects than your neighbor down the street, there are some that you really should leave to a trusted professional plumber.

One of those projects you should hire a plumber for is your total bathroom remodel.  The reality is that you’re going to be working on some of the most important parts of your plumbing system in your entire home.  The last thing you want is for something major to happen and have your project put on hold.  Not to mention you could be out thousands of dollars in costly repairs if something goes wrong.  Still not a believer?  Keep Reading.


Doing a bathroom remodel completely on your own can be a painstakingly slow task.  Between the inevitable second trips to the hardware store to get the right washers and the time you spend doing research, you could be looking at weeks or months before your bathroom is fully functional.  Not to mention your daily commitments of work and family.  When you hire a professional, they will be able to complete in a matter of days what might take you significantly longer. 


When you do everything yourself, all the liability rests squarely on your shoulders.  When you hire a professional, they have to be licensed, bonded and insured by law.  In the unfortunate event that something does go wrong, you won’t have to worry about paying for any repairs out of pocket. 

A Plumbing Professional Can Tell You Which Upgrades You Need

The first thing a plumber will do before they begin the project is to take inventory of everything in your bathroom and let you know what kind of shape it is in.  They’ll be able to tell you what your pipes are made of, how dated your fixtures are and how to get the most out of your budget. 

Equally as important, any reputable plumber will tell you what you don’t need.  Even though that shower head is as old as your firstborn child, why fix it if it works just fine?

More Design Options

There’s no denying that professionals in any industry have access to more options than DIYers.  Not only will they be able to give you honest feedback and advice about what you need, plumbing professionals usually have partnerships with vendors that will give you plenty of choices when it comes to making upgrades.  You may even find that these companies offer discounts on items like faucets, shower doors, and toilets.  And even better, you’ll save yourself valuable time and energy by not having to shop for everything on your own.

Setting Up Your Drainage System is Complicated

If you’re planning on doing a major remodel, you’ll probably have to move plumbing lines to add any kind of new feature.  If this is the case, laying out the new drainage system isn’t something you should try and do on your own.  If this part of the project isn’t done with absolute precision, you could wind up with slow drainage or major leaks. 

You Can Save Money

Even though you’ll have to pay a professional plumber for their labor, you’ll benefit from getting a professional quote that is within your budget.  When you take a project this big yourself, it’s easy to think you can do it for cheaper than is actually possible.  The last thing you want to have happened is to complete half the remodel and realize you can’t afford to finish. 

Remodeling your bathroom can be exciting and stressful at the same time, especially if you try to do everything on your own.  But if you do a little research and find a plumber that you can trust to do the work, you can rest easy knowing that all the work is insured, you’ll receive expert opinions and suggestions, have access to all the best fixtures and upgrades and know that you’ll stay within in your budget.  If you have any questions, our Einstein Pros are just a quick phone call away!

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